Finally take control of your life

You don't want to be empowered.
You want a guarantee that your effort will make a difference.

Tired of the same old tired advice?

You've done all the things...

Routines, budgets, self care practices. You've tried them and they all work.

If you could stick to it. And that's where it falls apart.

It’s time for something that sticks.

You want quick wins and you want them to last.

Enter Super Synergy: A self-healing modality grounded in practical, easy-to-use tools

Super Synergy

Learn how to tackle daily stressors with practical, effective steps for real progress and lasting relief.

what's included

Everything you need to develop your own self healing practice



Deepen your intuition and self-trust by learning tools that help you make decisions quickly and guide the way for each session so you can create the best possible outcomes.



Energy Protection tools help lessen anxiety and provide clarity about what needs to shift and how.



After Calibrating and Implementing Energy protection, you'll learn the entire framework and how it works together to release everything that's been holding you back and align to everything you want more of.



Knowing how to translate triggers into intentions to be supported with Super Synergy is a major catalyst towards sustainable growth.



I'll bet there's a part of you that's still wondering if this will work for you.

Foundational Prompts help you drop the baggage from past failed attempts at self improvement to set you up for long term success - not just with Super Synergy, but with yourself too.



There's no gatekeeping here. Sometimes you need to know more about what you want to let go of before you're actually able to let it go.

For those cases, there's one extra step to provide that clarity, and it's taught in this Bonus Module with Advanced Techniques. You'll also have access to demonstrations where those techniques are used.

You Also Get...

  • Follow along video trainings

  • Step-by-step written instructions

  • Pre-recorded practice sessions

  • A cheat sheet for quick reference

  • A progress tracker

  • Invite-only access to workshops and additional trainings

  • Future updates

  • Access for the lifetime of the program


One time

Value: $1497+

how is this different?

Most solutions you've tried assume discipline and mindset is enough to create sustainable results.

Knowing what to do isn't enough.

If solving your problems was only a matter of following directions, you wouldn't be stuck.

And, Discipline is NOT a mindset problem.

The truth is that mindset and strategy will only get you so far. You have multiple influences that keep you from letting your quick wins grow and last.

I call these the Unconscious Gateways.

There are 6 of them: Mental, Emotional, Energetic, Physical, Behavioral and Spiritual

And then there's the nervous system...

If your nervous system isn't receptive to making changes, you're going to regress or stay stuck.

Long term success comes from addressing all these factors.

there's a simple solution...

Super Synergy

Super Synergy is the ONLY DIY self-healing modality that targets all 6 Unconscious Gateways and provides tools to support your nervous system so you can create success that lasts.

Hi, I'm Cati

Overcoming constant stressors to achieve long term success should be simple, affordable, effective, and sustainable.

My mission is to show you how.

I've worked in personal development as a student and professional for over 12 years.

When I finally realized how my mindset was contributing to my quality of life, I went down a rabbit hole of research and experimentation to find every tool that claimed to create long term transformation.

Everything worked, until it didn't.

After investing 10's of thousands of dollars and countless hours over many years working to improve myself, only to drive myself straight into a 2-year period of burnout, I knew there had to be a better way.

And it had to be something that was easy to teach, simple to apply, and financially accessible to as many people as possible.

Super Synergy was created as a result of these experiences and personal values.

I can't wait to share it with you so you can start to achieve your own transformational change.

Photo credit: Blk Coffee Photo Co

Take control of your life

Here's what real empowerment looks like

What would it feel like if...

  • Stick to your diet and exercise plan without feeling like you're sacrificing everything

  • Create a budget and actually stick to it

  • Get through the day without yelling at your kids or binge eating after everyone goes to bed

  • Learn to focus on what really matters and let go of what others think of you

  • Become more consistent in finishing projects you start

  • Gain confidence and learn to trust your decisions

  • Feel more in control of your time and responsibilities

  • Find ways to manage your stress and stay calm

  • Get better at staying ahead instead of playing catch up

Get all this without...

The usual hassles or frustration from doing things that don't work long term

...Wasting time on solutions that don't stick

...Wasting money on endless books and seminars

...Sitting in a therapist's office wondering how long before you finally feel "fixed"

And most importantly, without reliving your past traumas.

Super Synergy is the ONLY DIY self-healing modality that works on all 6 Unconscious Gateways while also providing support tools for your nervous system.

The result is long term transformation, effortless integration, and self-sustaining outcomes.

Identify and finally overcome your triggers - for good

Strengthen your intuition and relationship with yourself

Experience near-effortless integration

Practice on your time, on your terms

Super Synergy isn't just another self help hack that makes big promises that keep you searching for more.

Super Synergy is more.


I've got answers.

How much time will it take?

You can review the modules in an afternoon. How long it takes you to experience results is dependent on how you process energy.

That said, Super Synergy is an easy process to learn and you can become well practiced in it within a couple of weeks, which will accelerate the results you see in every area of your life.

How much time will it take?

This is a hard question to answer, because it will all depend on you. You can review the modules in an afternoon. How long it takes you to experience results will depend on how much time you're willing to spend applying the materials. Because it's self-paced, you can go as quickly or slow as you need.

That said, Super Synergy is an easy process to learn and you can become well practiced in it within a couple of weeks, which will accelerate your progress.

is there anything super synergy doesn't work on?

Not in my experience.

However, it's important to realize that it is NOT a nervous system healing process. It simply makes sure that your nervous system is regulated in relation to what you've just worked on. If you're looking for a program to fully heal your nervous system, this isn't it.


Not in my experience.

That said, it's important to realize that it is NOT a nervous system healing process. It simply makes sure that your nervous system is regulated in relation to what you've just worked on. If you're looking for a program to fully heal your nervous system, this isn't it.

The results of Super Synergy are directly related to your intention setting. There are lots of support resources and trainings to support you in creating the best intentions for everything you'd like to shift.

Why is this only $97?

I can help a lot more people at $97 than I can for $1,497.

I know it might sound too good to be true. But with the way that inflation combined with corporate greed has priced so many people out of basic comforts, I couldn't in good conscious charge more than this.

It's a personal value and mission of mine that self healing is financially accessible, efficient, effective, and sustaining. I couldn't be more proud to have created Super Synergy in alignment with those values.

Is there a refund policy?

Because this is intellectual property, and due to the nature of digital products, refunds are unavailable.

If you'd like to get a sneak peek into Super Synergy and my teaching style, you can grab free access to the first two steps of Super Synergy before making your purchase by clicking here.


Because this is intellectual property, and due to the nature of digital products, there is not a refund policy.

That said, if you'd like to get a sneak peak into Super Synergy and my teaching style, you can grab access to the first two steps of Super Synergy before making your purchase by clicking here.


You can keep doing things the way you have, and keep getting discouraged every time you try something and fail again.

Or you can try a fresh approach that lasts indefinitely, that you can practice on your own terms, that's self-sustaining, and start seeing changes within days.

Easy choice, isn't it?

Super Synergy

A comprehensive, deeply transformative self paced healing practice

that allows you to rapidly create a future of clarity, confidence, and lasting change

One time


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