if you're wondering if this is as good as it gets in your Relationship

Discover how to get your Happily Ever After back with

Sound familiar?

You're still committed but you feel like something's missing

You're with your forever person, but your relationship feels like it's on autopilot.

Deep down, you sense that things could be so much richer and more fulfilling.

You've tried everything from date nights to communication hacks, hoping to reignite that spark, but the same old patterns keep resurfacing.

The problem isn't love, it's invisible competition.

And you don't even know you're competing. It's turning what should be partnership into a silent battleground of "who does more" or "who cares less."

the problem

Even when you address these issues, the invisible competition brings them back. Because you're both fighting to be right.

Feeling more like competitors than companions?

You're in the right relationship, but it's tainted by a constant, unseen rivalry over contributions, affection, and even successes. This invisible competition drains the joy out of your connection, leaving you both longing for a sense of teamwork and mutual celebration.

The silent scorekeeping that's keeping you apart

It's not about chores or the decisions; it's about the score you're keeping in your head, tallying up who's given more and who's falling short. This scoreboard in your mind only serves to widen the gap between you, overshadowing the connection and respect that initially brought you together.

Transform resentment into reverence

Imagine shifting from tallying faults to celebrating each other's strengths. What if you could stop holding on to past grudged and past hurts? What if, the next time you ask for something, you're not bracing yourself for another disappointment?

It can Change, and faster than you Think

I've experienced it first hand...

The transformation from being in the right relationship that's "pretty good" to one that's deeply satisfying and genuinely happy.

The secret?

Uncovering and dissolving the sources of invisible competition that are holding you back. That's where The Love+ Method comes in.

the backstory

From one-upping and holding on to grudges to Breakthrough

Like most couples, we started our marriage full of excitement and looking forward to new adventures in travel, careers, and having a family.

But as the years went by - 17! - we found ourselves trapped in a cycle where the only time we really felt relaxed and deeply enjoying each other's company was when we were on vacation without our kids.

Honestly, we were "fine." But we knew we could be better.

We tried everything - counseling, books, workshops - and most of the solutions just told us that this is what it's like in this season of our lives.

We stayed committed out of love and respect for each other but we both knew there could be so much more.

Our breakthrough came when we least expected it.

In a moment of raw honesty, we admitted to each other how we'd been feeling—like we were in an ongoing competition, always keeping score of who did what or who was "better" in some way.

This realization hit us like a bolt of lightning. We weren't just failing to connect; we were actively pushing each other away, caught up in an invisible competition that we didn't even know we were in.

The transformation

This competition was an undercurrent that influenced every interaction and attempt at closeness.

It wasn't about finding the right words or the perfect date night; it was about changing the very foundation of how we related to each other.

We shifted from competing to supporting, and from scorekeeping to cheerleading.

The difference

About a week later, my husband came home from work and it just felt different.

WE felt different.

We snuggled, talked about dreams, and finally got on the same page about how to accomplish them.

We effortlessly started going out of our way to be supportive for each other - it's almost like we were making excuses to help each other out instead of stating reasons why we couldn't.

Photo credit: Blk Coffee Photo Co

just imagine

Your relationship transformed

What would it feel like if...

  • Your conversations flow freely and openly, where you share your dreams, fears, and joys without hesitation.

  • You stop scorekeeping or tallying who did what last. Instead, you find joy in each other's accomplishments and support one another's dreams as if they were your own.

  • Conflict becomes a pathway for growth, not a battleground.

  • Disagreements become opportunities to understand each other better, to compromise, and to find solutions that make your relationship stronger.

  • Your evenings are filled with laughter and love, not the glow of separate screens.

  • You look forward to spending time together, whether it's a date night at home or simply taking a walk, because you genuinely enjoy each other's company.

Get all this without...

The usual hassles or frustration from doing things that don't work long term

...Wasting time on solutions that don't stick

...Wasting money on endless books and seminars

...Sitting in a therapist's office feeling like it's them against you

...Feeling like you're spinning your wheels


The LOVE+ Method is a comprehensive relationship transformation program designed to take you from where you are now to where you’ve dreamed of being—in a partnership that’s deeply connected, joyfully supportive, and endlessly loving.

Master Communication

Create a New Team - Together

Eliminate Competition

End Domestic Labor & Emotional Load Conflicts

→ What's included

Full Access to Super Synergy

This is the secret sauce that puts the LOVE+ Method into a category of its own. Super Synergy is a proprietary framework that helps you to identify and permantently overcome what's holding you back in all 6 of the unconscious gateways.

Step by step instructions

The Love+ Method includes a meticulously designed, step-by-step system to help you and your partner dismantle the excuses, triggers, and insecurities that keep you from mastering communication and being on the same team.

This system guides you through identifying and overcoming the root causes of your relationship challenges, ensuring lasting change and deeper connection.

How & When to Shift Responsibility

The thing you're probably most excited about - you'll get exact instructions for how to start to shift the responsibility to your partner for thing's you've traditionally had to tip-toe around.

The Love+ Method isn't just another relationship improvement program—it's a revolutionary approach that goes deeper and broader than anything else out there.

The Result

A relationship where communication flows effortlessly, emotional and physical intimacy is rejuvenated, and both partners feel supported, understood, and deeply connected.

The Love+ Method, powered by Super Synergy, offers a comprehensive solution that other programs simply can’t match.

what's included

Here's a sneak peak of what you're getting



Every module has a list of intentions for you to use with Super Synergy so you can pave the way for receptivity to using the tools within each module and and pave the way for long term success.

TLDR: You'll drop your old baggage at the door before you even get started.



Relationships really aren't hard, when you have the right tools to build connection and exercises that bring more perspective to your interactions.

Perspective is a relationship maker or breaker. These tools and exercises help you see past the surface level for true healing.



When you start seeing improvements in your relationship in the small ways, you can build on that to experience bigger transformations.

The end of each module provides prompts for you to open up new possibilities.



Everyone does it... putting the responsibility on our partner for things we shouldn't but we sure do notice it when they do it to us.

This bonus module helps you take responsibility for what's yours and tells you exactly how and when to shift theirs to them.

Special beta program offer

Limited Time Pricing

I'm thrilled to introduce The Love+ Method as a first-of-its-kind opportunity for couples ready to transform their relationships.

Because this is a beta launch, I'm offering it at a special, limited-time price.

This is your chance to be among the first to experience the full benefits of The Love+ Method at a value unmatched by future pricing.

Your feedback and experiences will help shape the future of this transformative program, making you a foundational part of The Love+ community.

The Love+ Method

Learn how to transform your relationship using a unique approach that makes these changes instinctual and effortless.

One time


2 monthly

$157 x 2

4 monthly

$87 x 4


I've got answers.

How much time will it take?

This is a hard question to answer, because it will all depend on you. You can review the modules in an afternoon. How long it takes you to experience results will depend on how much time you're willing to spend applying the materials. Because it's self-paced, you can go as quickly or slow as you need.

That said, Super Synergy is an easy process to learn and you can become well practiced in it within a couple of weeks, which will accelerate your progress.

And, each module begins with a list of foundational prompts so that you eliminate any resistance you have about the materials presented in that module. This will speed up your progress.

How much time will it take?

This is a hard question to answer, because it will all depend on you. You can review the modules in an afternoon. How long it takes you to experience results will depend on how much time you're willing to spend applying the materials. Because it's self-paced, you can go as quickly or slow as you need.

That said, Super Synergy is an easy process to learn and you can become well practiced in it within a couple of weeks, which will accelerate your progress.

What if my partner doen't see or Agree with the problem?

Here's a little secret... you're not doing this for them.

You're doing it for you. You'll learn more about who you are and how to love and accept yourself more fully through the lens of how you feel in your relationship.

The side effect is that your relationship can improve. And if it doesn't, then you'll learn sooner than later that you're wasting your time. Either way, it's a win/win.

What if my partner doeSn't see or Agree with the problem?

Here's a little secret... you're not doing this for them.

You're doing it for you. You'll learn more about who you are and how to love and accept yourself more fully through the lens of how you feel in your relationship.

The side effect is that your relationship can improve. And if it doesn't, then you'll learn sooner than later that you're wasting your time. Either way, it's a win/win.

Is there a refund policy?

Because this is intellectual property, and due to the nature of digital products, there is not a refund policy.

That said, if you'd like to get a sneak peak into Super Synergy and my teaching style, you can grab access to the first two steps of Super Synergy before making your purchase by clicking here.

What makes this different than any other program I've looked at?

Most of the other programs you're considering are focused on your mental awareness and consciously having the bandwidth to staying accountable to the transformation.

With The Love+ Method, it's not just about what you say, do, and how you feel. It's about letting go of what's creating the need to say, do and feel the way you do so you can establish a richer and more fulfilling relationship without all the baggage that got you here in the first place.


You can keep doing things the way you have, expecting your partner to finally see things your way. You know that won't happen and if it does that it won't last. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

Or you can try a fresh approach that lasts indefinitely, that's also self-sustaining so you'll start seeing changes in your relationship within a few weeks.

The Love+ Method

Learn how to transform your relationship using a unique approach that makes these changes instinctual and effortless.

One time


2 monthly

$157 x 2

4 monthly

$87 x 4